Better Together|| No. 20 (I quit 17 times this month)

Welcome to our weekly "Better Together" Round-up. Once a week we go deep into 1 strategy technique, share community resources to better support you and some of our favorite things. 🩷

✨ How I Can Help This Month ✨

πŸš€ Ditch the Social Drama! Surprise, we have a brand new podcast series this month focused on building your audience for your next launch. Make sure to listen to the new episodes that were added! πŸŽ™οΈ

πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ Book a Strategy Call Tis the season for wanting now plus a custom profit plan to implement to make the end of 2024 your best yet! When you don't have time for a group program, this is your fast track!

⏰ Join our LIVE Workshop. What is working in 2024? Discover new ways of getting visible to the audience who is looking to partner, collaborate, and work with you right now. Simplify your marketing strategy and save yourself at least 5-10 hours each week.
Not sure? Fill out this quick form and I'll make a recommendation for you based on your needs and goals.

✨ A Personal Note ✨

I wanted to quit like 17 times this month Reader. Usually, I am "Holly, Mrs. Positive Pants", but I feel like my mind got the best of me these last few weeks. Insert things you don't see on social! πŸ˜‰ Ok, I shared some, but if you haven't noticed I haven't been on social much at all.
I scraped my entire podcast plan for this month, re-did our launch plan for the end of the year, and convinced myself out of completely re-doing our entire brand because I woke up not liking the color teal this week. Say what? (I actually really like the color teal, so that was just a bad moment). πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
Which got me thinking...I am a VERY driven person. Sometimes to a fault. But let's talk about those days when you just can't seem to find the motivation to work on your business. What do you do?
(Hint - Give it 24 hours so you don't change your entire color scheme just because you are having an off moment).

Because here's the thing: it's normal to feel unmotivated sometimes. Even the most successful entrepreneurs experience slumps. The key is to know how to overcome them.
I did truly scrap my entire podcast plan and wrote a podcast about it which you can listen to here. It's probably one of the most personal episodes I have ever done.

Here are a few things that have helped me stay motivated during challenging times:

  • Prioritize self-care: I've found that taking care of myself physically and mentally is essential for staying motivated. Self-care lately has looked like extra spicy iced chai tea lattes, pilates, re-watching Gilmore Girls, and reading with my girls. (We have a nightly reading, walking, and skincare routine).
  • Identify the root cause: When I'm feeling unmotivated, I try to figure out what's really going on. Is it burnout, fear of failure, or something else? Once I identify the root cause, I can take steps to address it. I share on the podcast what some of these are for me, including "energy leaks" that this exercise helped me identify.
  • Seek support: Talking to friends, family, or a therapist can be incredibly helpful. Sometimes, just venting your frustrations can make a big difference. I upped my collaborations and partnerships (that #antisocial strategy which is actually very social) so that I could work with more amazing women. Who are you surrounding yourself by? And also took my team to eat tacos, scheduled a date night, and just reached out to a few close friends.
  • Celebrate your wins: No matter how small, celebrate your accomplishments. This will help you stay positive and motivated.

So over here I am ending the week with a meeting-free Friday, a fun long weekend ahead (with no plans except to finish Season 1 of the Gilmore Girls) and to celebrate the fact that I still love teal. πŸ˜‰ But also, fall is coming. So we can welcome some of those colors too.
What season are you in in your business? How are you feeling about what is coming up next for you? Do you ever get the case of the "I don't want to" blues? 🩷

… keep reading to see what else is happening this week at Crush The Rush Headquarters!

On the Podcast

This week we chatted all about creating a message that resonates with Marisa Corcoran and I shared big feelings on what's happening BHTS.

New Series!

We launched a brand new series on our private podcast "It's Not Your Launch, It's Your Audience" with case studies, lessons learned, and actional steps to take right now!

✨ Community Corner ✨

  • I am speaking at the State of Women Conference. Grab your Ticket here. A day of inspiration and connection to help you build your confidence and help you move towards the life and work you actually want.
  • My amazing copywriter Jenny launched an epic audio summit with all the copy best practices you can binge in 10 minutes or less per episode.
  • If you want to dial in your messaging (what to say and how to stand out in a crowd), my friend Marissa is hosting an epic free Messaging Magic workshop.

✨ Bingeable Links✨

  • ​The Strategy for Rebranding a $40M Company. The rebranding of ConvertKit and why it is SO interesting. Seriously, watch this!
  • Fall is coming which means family photos. We booked a session in a Dahlia farm (oh yes we did) and this dress matches my fav flower color! (It also comes in 5 different colors for when you need it!)
  • This is my favorite candle company here in Columbus and their fall scents are to die for! #notjustpumpkin (The Bourbon flavor is my new fav!)

✨ The Last Word ✨

"It is not too late to do what you want to doβ€”if you stop waiting for the time to be right."
- James Clear

PS - Make sure to listen to the NEW series on the Ditch the Social Drama podcast and rsvp to our brand new workshop here. πŸŽ™οΈ

PPS - Looking for quick support? Try our profit audit.

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3300 Drive, Columbus, OH 43026
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Holly Marie Haynes

I help female business owners scale simply without the social drama. Learn how with our free "Ditch the Social Drama" private podcast series.

Read more from Holly Marie Haynes

Welcome to our weekly "Better Together" Round-up. Once a week we go deep into 1 strategy technique, share community resources to better support you and some of our favorite things. 🩷 ✨ How I Can Help This Month ✨ πŸš€ Ditch the Social Drama! Surprise, we have a brand new podcast series this month focused on building your audience for your next launch. Make sure to listen to the new episodes that were added! πŸŽ™οΈ πŸ™‹β™€οΈ Book a Strategy Call Tis the season for wanting now plus a custom profit plan to...

Welcome to our weekly "Better Together" Round-up. Once a week we go deep into 1 strategy technique, share community resources to better support you and some of our favorite things. 🩷 ✨ How I Can Help This Month ✨ πŸš€ Ditch the Social Drama! Surprise, we have a brand new podcast series this month focused on building your audience for your next launch. Make sure to listen to the new episodes that were added! πŸŽ™οΈ πŸ™‹β™€οΈ Book a Strategy Call Tis the season for wanting now plus a custom profit plan to...

Hi Reader!Hot off the press (does anyone say that anymore?!!) πŸ˜… … We just released a NEW mini-series on the Ditch The Social Drama Private Podcast called: It’s Not Your Launch It’s Your Audience. This series is just three episodes in length, but each one gives you strategy on getting visible and building the *right* audience – without relying on social media – so your next launch is a success! These episodes will show you how to – ⭐Release an impactful MEGA Magnet that goes beyond the...