Better Together|| No. 19 (3 months, 1 day)

Welcome to our weekly "Better Together" Round-up. Once a week we go deep into 1 strategy technique, share community resources to better support you and some of our favorite things. 🩷

✨ How I Can Help This Month ✨

πŸš€ Ditch the Social Drama! Surprise, we have a brand new podcast series this month focused on building your audience for your next launch. Make sure to listen to the new episodes that were added! πŸŽ™οΈ

πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ Book a Strategy Call Tis the season for wanting now plus a custom profit plan to implement to make the end of 2024 your best yet! When you don't have time for a group program, this is your fast track!

⏰ Get your Time Back. What is working in 2024? Discover new ways of getting visible to the audience who is looking to partner, collaborate, and work with you right now. Simplify your marketing strategy and save yourself at least 5-10 hours each week.
Not sure? Fill out this quick form and I'll make a recommendation for you based on your needs and goals.

✨ A Personal Note ✨

Hey Reader -
For the first time in about 2 years (since the creation of this newsletter) I am writing it about 10 minutes before it's supposed to go out. πŸ€ͺ I had the outline, I had the template, but the week just slipped away. Maybe you can relate to this week flying by...
To be fair, it was the first week of school for these girls so our schedule is completely different than it was just 4 days ago.

The point of the story however is not the first day of school (or that mom, that's me was completely emotional because it was their last first day of elementary school) or what time I wrote this email (hint - 6 am). It is however a reminder that life always happens. And the email got done. Which brings me to a saying I probably say once a day.
Build a business around your life. Not your life around your business.
Consistency trumps talent.
You don't have to be the best in the game.
You have to stay in it.
So if you are in a season of, "Gosh this feels hard", keep going...
Case in point. (Because this mantra works for everything). I started a new
pilates program in late May. And while I felt better, I wanted BIG results. I had changed my workouts, changed my eating, was tracking everything, changed my sleeping, got a new doctor, and started new supplements. Even though Scott (my husband) kept saying, "Holly, you look so much stronger), it wasn't the BIG transformation I wanted.
3 months. I had a complete meltdown. Like crying in the bathroom, I should quit kind of moment. Why is this SO much work? And SO darn hard?
3 months 1 day (As in the following day). I took my body measurements and saw BIG results. As in better results than I have seen in 5 years.
Did it happen in 1 day? No.
Has it been so hard to be consistent? Yes.
Are we seeing progress? Yes.
I don't necessarily love sharing my behind-the-scenes health goals with 5,000+ people however, to me this is an important lesson. ​
My guess is this week you are doing so much better than you are giving yourself credit for. And that is worth celebrating.
What can you do to stay consistent? Because most people won't 🩷 Focus on the 1% improvement. ​
And now a shameless plug for how I can help (i.e. our
brand new workshop on building the right audience) because the bonuses for RSVPing are so darn good. And it's a model you can be consistent with and not burnout.
What will you do with all your free time? πŸ˜‰

… keep reading to see what else is happening this week at Crush The Rush Headquarters!

On the Podcast

This week we chatted all about how to tell your story to sell with April Pertuis and I shared what worked this summer to grow our list. (It's not what you think!)

New Series!

We launched a brand new series on our private podcast "It's Not Your Launch, It's Your Audience" with case studies, lessons learned, and actional steps to take right now!

✨ Community Corner ✨

  • My friend and CFO expert Kristen launched an epic program called "The Table" helping you ditch your fears around numbers and grow your wealth. Use the code HOLLY40 to save 40%!!!!
  • Want to feel confident in your body this season? Our CM member Jenny is hosting her first annual Spirit Week helping you choose outfits that re-energize you plus some bonus tips to focus on yourself and build a capsule wardrobe that saves you money!
  • I am speaking at the State of Women Conference. Grab your Ticket here. A day of inspiration and connection to help you build your confidence and help you move towards the life and work you actually want

✨ Bingeable Links✨

  • I started re-watching Gilmore Girls as an adult and it has brought me more joy than I ever expected. Especially a mother of pre-teen girls.
  • Speaking of pre-teens, this is an amazing book that talks about growing into an adult. (Growing Up Powerful) I wasn't kidding when I said it was a big week around here. πŸ€ͺ
  • Currently Reading: The Mountain Is You (pst - If you are in the Club we are hosting our first book Club in September!)

✨ The Last Word ✨

"It is not too late to do what you want to doβ€”if you stop waiting for the time to be right."
- James Clear

PS - Make sure to listen to the NEW series on the Ditch the Social Drama podcast and rsvp to our brand new workshop here. πŸŽ™οΈ

PPS - Want to be part of our launch team for the fall? You can sign-up here. We've got lots of surprises planned!!! (And it's FREE!)

If you would prefer not to receive these weekly recap emails, click here and we will remove you without removing you from the entire list. This email contains affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission for any purchases made through my link.

3300 Drive, Columbus, OH 43026
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Holly Marie Haynes

I help female business owners scale simply without the social drama. Learn how with our free "Ditch the Social Drama" private podcast series.

Read more from Holly Marie Haynes

Welcome to our weekly "Better Together" Round-up. Once a week we go deep into 1 strategy technique, share community resources to better support you and some of our favorite things. 🩷 ✨ How I Can Help This Month ✨ πŸš€ Ditch the Social Drama! Surprise, we have a brand new podcast series this month focused on building your audience for your next launch. Make sure to listen to the new episodes that were added! πŸŽ™οΈ πŸ™‹β™€οΈ Book a Strategy Call Tis the season for wanting now plus a custom profit plan to...

Welcome to our weekly "Better Together" Round-up. Once a week we go deep into 1 strategy technique, share community resources to better support you and some of our favorite things. 🩷 ✨ How I Can Help This Month ✨ πŸš€ Ditch the Social Drama! Surprise, we have a brand new podcast series this month focused on building your audience for your next launch. Make sure to listen to the new episodes that were added! πŸŽ™οΈ πŸ™‹β™€οΈ Book a Strategy Call Tis the season for wanting now plus a custom profit plan to...

Hi Reader!Hot off the press (does anyone say that anymore?!!) πŸ˜… … We just released a NEW mini-series on the Ditch The Social Drama Private Podcast called: It’s Not Your Launch It’s Your Audience. This series is just three episodes in length, but each one gives you strategy on getting visible and building the *right* audience – without relying on social media – so your next launch is a success! These episodes will show you how to – ⭐Release an impactful MEGA Magnet that goes beyond the...